P.O. Box 429
2070 Old Hwy 27
Trion, GA 30753
Phone: 706-734-2722
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn a little more about the Pleasant Grove Church of Christ. Located in Trion, GA roughly 45 minutes south of Chattanooga, TN, we are a loving congregation of The Lord's Church working together to do God's will so that we can go to Heaven and take as many people with us as possible. We welcome you to come and visit us at any of our listed service times, you would be our honored guest.
Our Mission
The Pleasant Grove Church of Christ is simply a group of Christians seeking to do God's will in all things. We are a non-denominational congregation that patterns our worship and our lives after the teachings in the New Testament, which is Christ's covenant for His followers. Our worship is patterned after the New Testament 1st-Century Church which includes teaching, acappella singing, the Lord's Supper (every Sunday), giving, and praying.
Worship: 10:00 am
Bible Study: 11:00 am
Worship: 5:00 pm
(1st Sun. 1:00 pm)
Bible Study: 7:00pm
Sunday and Wednesday auditorium services are
streamed on our Facebook page
Pleasant Grove has a long history of dedicated worship in the North Georgia area. Please visit our history page to learn more.
Annual Singing​
As summer comes to an end each year we look forward to our annual singing with some of the best singing this side of Heaven. On the last Friday in July.
Gospel Meeting
Check out our gospel meeting page to stream or download sermons from past meetings.
Latest News

Need to access our prayer list, dates and times of upcoming events, and current articles? Please visit our bulletin page to stay up to date with the most current news and information.